Here are 10 quick lesson plan ideas you can use for teaching To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. To get everything you need to teach To Kill a Mockingbird without doing any prep work, check out this amazing full unit plan. ...

Here are 10 quick lesson plan ideas you can use for teaching To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. To get everything you need to teach To Kill a Mockingbird without doing any prep work, check out this amazing full unit plan. ...
Teaching Theme I love to teach theme – it really is what literature is all about. Students often have trouble understanding it, so I go over it with just about every text I teach. I use a simple formula: topic + insight = theme. It seems to help students understand ...
Instructions Know the meaning of each bold printed vocabulary word from To Kill a Mockingbird. Also know its part of speech in the context of the sentence as found in the novel. Be able to write a sentence that incorporates the vocabulary word. The sentence must show that you understand ...
Instructions As part of the study of To Kill a Mockingbird, you will be writing an essay on one aspect of the novel. You will be given some class time to work on the essay and you will be given specific instruction on essay writing. The final product will be ...
To Kill a Mockingbird Part 1 Quiz Part 1 Short Answer (1 mk. each) You do not have to use complete sentences. Who comes to visit from Meridian Miss. and becomes friends with Scout and Jem? What happens to Burris Ewell on the ftrst day of school? What does Jem ...
Here are some ideas for you to use while teaching To Kill a Mockingbird. I have included Unit Goals, Pre-Reading Activities, During Reading Activities, Reading Strategies, and After Reading Activities. If you would rather have all your prep work done with a full unit plan for To Kill a Mockingbird ...